Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Kit Kelen - Projects for 2017

Projects for 2017

With November off to a flying start, I would like to again canvass the possible projects for 2017. I'm hoping someone (or a group of people) will take the reins for a new Project 365 for next year, but there have been no solid offers so far. Also I'm looking for people who are interested to be on the editorial board for the Project 366 anthology I hope we'll be putting together. If you're interested in that or in participating in Project 52 or A Conversation in Poetry, but haven't told me yet, could you please send me a private message. Project 52 and A Conversation in Poetry, are the two projects I'm planning to run next year, but I don't want to bore those who are not interested with organisational details about them. I think the 366 anthology is something we really ought to do but it will only work if we can have a group of people willing to put in the hard yakka in terms of editing, designing and also fundraising.


  1. Kit I am frantic with work until April but hope to be able to help with the anthology after that if there is anything you think I can do. If it is at all helpful my husband is a very good graphic designer and happy to be part of the project.

  2. Happy to assist with some of the editing for the anthology.

  3. Have just sent you an email re this. Would love to be part of Project 52.
